Worship through Prayer


Thank you for showing us what true humility and servant hearted love look like. Jesus is not only our saviour – but also our example. We can look at his earthly life and learn how our attitudes should be:

  • He didn’t have to enter this broken world – and yet he willingly left his heavenly glory and became a human being who looked no different from the next man.
  • As the king, he should have been born in a palace – yet he was born in a humble cow shed. The one who was rich became poor for the sake of the eternal wealth of others.
  • In life, he humbly served his disciples, associated with the insignificant and made time for little children
  • Though wrongly accused and shamefully treated he did not retaliate, but entrusted himself to the One who he knew would vindicate him.
  • Though the author of life, he submitted himself to the horror of death for the sake of the eternal life of others.

And he did all this because he perceived future joy. And through these acts of humility our prideful rebellion can forgiven.

Lord we confess that this past week we have, in many ways, not been like him. We have suffered from a spiritual short sightedness  – pursuing the immediate rewards that our world says can be ours.

  • We have grasped at position and outward recognition
  • Our minds have been pre-occupied with accumulating wealth. We have failed to be generous with the money you have graciously provided us.
  • We have overlooked people that we deem to be insignificant rather than loving them
  • We have not made time to meet with other brothers and sisters for the sake of their and our own spiritual welbeing.
  • We have been slow to make sacrifices for the sake of the progress and joy of others.
  • We have been more focused on our own rights than the good of others

Lord for all this we are sorry and repent. Please change us.

Help us make our plans and strategize, both in small decisions and large, seeking the welfare of others. In our choices about education, careers, houses, recreation and possessions – may we increasingly steward all that you have given us well.

Our daily habits say so much about who we are and what is important. May those furrowed paths that we travel down day after day lead us toward you rather than away from you. Help us to furrow out new, better paths where necessary. Change is hard – help us Lord.

Lord we pray specifically that as a church we would steward our money with Kingdom of Christ, and the interests of others in view. May we all give cheerfully and generously and regularly.

We also pray that there would be an increasing culture of discipleship in our church. In a city where calendars are full and time seems scarce, help us to make time to meet together and continue with each other for our progress and joy in the faith.

May our humility be evident in the way we relate to earthly authorities. Help us to submit graciously to them, knowing you have provided them for our good. Give wisdom to our Mayor and the members of the city council. In all their decision making we pray that you would give them wisdom that our city would prosper.

We pray for J, T, and P as they return to DC this week. Thank you so much for your kindness to them and the many answered prayers during their trip to Korea to adopt Parker. We ask again for this week – give them a good trip back here and help them in the early days of adjusting to normal life here as a family of 3. Help us as a church to love them well and may the story of your faithfulness to them be an encouragement to many.

Lastly, we pray for our brother N as he comes and brings us your word in a moment. Help him to preach your word clearly and give us attentive minds and move us to not only listen but also be doers of the word.

In Christ’s Name we ask all these things,
