RC Internship Review – Part II

*This is the second of two posts about Hector’s internship program. If you missed part one, click here!*


RC family!

I have been praying and thinking deeply about what I will be doing now that I have completed the internship. It has been a joy to witness how God has transformed my heart to serve Him for His glory.

Kathryn and I have decided to remain as members of the Restoration Church family where God has surrounded us with a wonderful community, full of brothers and sisters who have loved us and cared for us deeply through thick and thin. We feel God has us here for a reason, and we will be here until God calls us somewhere else. So, we will continue to humbly host and serve our Community Group on a weekly basis.

I also plan to serve God through the ministry of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) here in NW DC. FCA is a ministry that partners with local churches and uses the platform of sports as a way to influence middle school, high school, and college athletes and coaches by exposing them to Christ. I have been very encouraged by Nathan’s involvement as a chaplain for American University’s wrestling team. And lately, God has been growing a sense of urgency in my heart for the need to reach middle school, high school, and college students and coaches for Christ.

By God’s grace, I applied and was accepted as a Part Time Area Representative for FCA. My desire is to work with schools and college campuses in the NW DC area (such as American University, Georgetown University, Woodrow Wilson, St. Alban’s) and also schools in the Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights areas.

A few weeks ago, I was in Kansas at FCA’s headquarters for training on support raising and learned that FCA started international ministries in 2013. Since then, it has developed helpful resources in Spanish, which I believe would be helpful to support the Molero’s efforts as they begin to plant the Spanish-speaking church.

So, I would like to invite you to join me in my prayers for God to continue using our church and us to make disciples who will delight in the supremacy of Christ in NW DC and beyond!