RC Internship Review – Part I

Hello Restoration Church family!

For those of you who I haven’t had a chance to meet yet, my name is Hector Feliciano, and I have been member of Restoration Church for about 4 years. I am married to Kathryn Feliciano, and we are humbled to host/lead a Community Group on Thursday nights.

I am writing to you to thank you for your support during my internship at Restoration Church over the course of this past year. The internship has officially come to an end, and by God’s grace, I passed! 🙂

I would like to give you an overview of the internship. So, if you have seen The Karate Kid movies, imagine me as the young student painting fences, waxing cars, sanding decks, and catching flies with chopsticks. There was nothing fancy happening in this internship. But, it sure helped me cultivate an increasing passion to know and enjoy the triune God we worship together. As a result of this internship, I was able to:

  • Develop a better working understanding of the Gospel and its primacy in the life of the local church
  • Develop a better understanding for what “success” might look like in ministerial life
  • Develop a philosophy of ministry that would guide my life and/or the life of a local church
  • Develop a plan for potentially planting a healthy, local church in the future

But, what was I actually doing for a whole year as a church intern? I would put it this way: I was a regular church member on steroids. Here’s a breakdown of what I did:

  • I read and wrote a lot (seriously, there were a LOT of reading and writing assignments—wonderful books though, and I’m happy to share any of them with you!!)
  • I met with one of the pastors each week
  • I attended all the members’ meetings, elders’ meetings, and membership introduction classes as well as the men’s retreat and the elder’s retreat
  • I memorized and reflected on Scripture
  • I visited other local church services and surveyed pastors from other churches about ways in which they practice certain disciplines within the church life

The internship was simply an extension of our church’s mission of making disciples who delight in the supremacy of Christ. I am humbled by the opportunity, and I am grateful for the ways in which I was trained and equipped to serve and lead with more boldness, passion, courage, humility, and love for Christ crucified and resurrected.