Christianity is a Straightjacket (pt. 2)

Since Christianity has certain limitations and constraints, many conclude that it is therefore the equivalent of a straitjacket.  But is this true?  Are there other areas of our live where restrictions and constraints actually enable us to live a fuller life? The answer:  Yes!

“Human beings are most free and alive in the relationships of love.  We become ourselves in love, and yet healthy love relationships involve mutual, unselfish service, a mutual loss of independence.  For a love relationship to be healthy there must be mutual loss of independence…At first sight, then, a relationship with God seems inherently dehumanizing.  Surely it will have to be “one way,” God’s way.  God the diving being, has all the power.  I must adjust to God – there is no way that God could adjust to and serve me.

While this may be true in other forms of religion and belief in God, it is not true in Christianity.  In the most radical way, God has adjusted to us – in his incarnation and atonement.  In Jesus Christ he became a limited human being vulnerable to suffering and death.  On the cross, he submitted to our condition – as sinners – and died in our place to forgive us.

For a Christian, the love of Christ constrains.  Once you realize how Jesus changed for you and gave himself for you, you aren’t afraid of giving up your ‘freedom’ and therefore finding your freedom in him.”  (Tim Keller, Reason for God, 48-50)