Worship through Prayer

Father, we come to you this morning in the name of Jesus. We come praising you for who you are – holy, righteous, beautiful, slow to anger, abounding in love, eternally satisfying. We come praising you for what you have done, are doing, and will do. Jesus, we praise you for your sin-paying death and life-giving resurrection. Holy Spirit, we praise you for opening our eyes that we might behold Jesus in all his glory.

Lord, we praise you for these new members. Use A, M, R, D, C, J, H, L, J, A and C to strengthen our church; use them to advance the gospel to those who don’t yet know Christ. And use our church to build them up in the faith that they might delight fully in Jesus.

We thank you that there are many other gospel churches in DC faithfully laboring to make Jesus known. Grant our brothers and sisters at 4th Presbyterian perseverance in the faith. Use Washington International Church to magnify Jesus. Grant S and T refreshment as they shepherd the saints at Pillar DC. Use Anacostia River Church to herald the good news of Jesus. We thank you for Redemption Hill and Redeemer Arlington and Cherrydale Baptist.

We pray that your gospel will go forth in DC and beyond. Grant our sister A much joy as she labors for Christ among refugees in the Middle East. Use her to see people trust and treasure Jesus above all things. Continue to give language acquisition to R and E. Give M perseverance as he leads translating the Bible into other languages. Give our brother A wisdom as he seeks to serve Redeemer Church in Leeds. Raise up more men and women from this congregation to take the gospel to the nations. Do this Lord. Do it for the glory of your name and the eternal joy of your people.

Lord we praise you for the gospel zeal and servant leadership of the members of Restoration. We praise you for our Community Group leaders, deacons, deaconesses. Grant each one of these men and women joy in serving and building up the body. Where they are weary give them strength. Where they are energized, spur them on all the more. Raise up more CG leaders. Raise up more deacons and deaconesses. We also praise you for the elders of this church. Thank you for the giftings and careful shepherding and fervent prayers of N, N and C. Encourage these brothers in the work of ministry. Raise up more elders we pray. Raise up men who are ethnically and generationally diverse to serve as elders of Restoration. Do this Lord that Restoration might increasingly reflect your glorious character; that we might display your manifold wisdom. Do it for the glory of your name and the eternal joy of your people.

Father, we thank you for the gift of music. As we praise you in song, vibrate the truth of who you are deep within our souls. As we hear our brothers and sisters sing, cause our souls to rejoice in the truth of the gospel and cause us to long for heaven. We praise you for your Word. As we read your word and listen to the preaching of your Word this morning, Holy Spirit, stir our affections. Remind us of the work of Christ and all that it has accomplished. Do it for the glory of your name and the eternal joy of your people.

And because of the cross, we come to you repenting of our sins, and resting not in our works, but in Jesus. We come to you not only as pardoned criminals, but as your precious children loved and cherished by you. We confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent, for the sake of your crucified and risen Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name.

Refresh those who are weary. Comfort the hurting this morning. Draw near to those who feel you are far off. Grant wisdom to the confused. Spur on the faithful. Stir the affections of those who find you dull and boring. Work in this place this morning. Do it for the glory of your name and the eternal joy of your people.
