Worship through Prayer

Merciful and mighty Father, we come to you this morning in the name of Jesus Christ. We come to you filled with the Holy Spirit rejoicing in who you are. We come praising your goodness and resting in your kindness to us. We praise you that you are eternal having no beginning and no end. We praise you that your love is inexhaustible. We praise you that you do not faint or grow weary. We praise you that your understanding is unsearchable. We know that you are God and you are good.

We praise you this morning for the birth of C. Grant the W family much grace as they learn to be a family of five. Help S recover. Use our church to serve them well during these early days. Bring all the W girls – E, A, and C – to faith at a young age that they may never know life apart from trusting and treasuring Jesus Christ.

We also pray for the H family as they get ready to welcome another child into this world. Grant F good health these final few weeks. Give C the grace to serve his wife and children well. Prepare I, W, and L to welcome their sister into the world. Bring salvation to each of the H children Lord that they might testify to your goodness all their days.

We praise you for the marriage of J and L. From this day, from day one of their marriage, cause them to savor Christ above all things. Give J the grace to be a servant leader. Give L the grace to be a strong helper. Use their marriage to display the glories of the gospel as they delight in the supremacy of Jesus Christ together.

Lord we praise you this morning. And we also come pleading. Some of us are tired and weary. Some of us are discouraged and downcast. Holy Spirit, would minister specifically to our brothers and sisters who find themselves like this. Some are here with us. Others decided to stay home. Whatever the case, Lord, refresh and encourage. Give us the grace to be a church where it’s okay to not be okay. Give us the grace to be a church that trades plastic smiles for real, raw relationships. Give us the grace to be a church that bears each others’ burdens; that weeps with those who weep.

We pray for those this morning that have been grievously sinned against. Those who have been taken advantaged of and abused; those who have been violated physical and intimately. We pray for those haunted by what’s been done to them in the past by a friend, father, boss, mother, spouse or someone else. Remind us this morning Lord that you never forget us. Remind us that your mercies know no end. Remind us that even though we may never know the “why?” behind these things, we can trust you, who will restore all things in Christ. Birth in us, Lord, a deep hope of heaven. Draw our gaze to the eternal reality of paradise. All things new. No more tears, disease, death, sin. Forever in your presence with your people enjoy you and all your goodness without end. For the sake of your name, Lord, deepen our longing for our heavenly reward.

Father, as we long for heaven, we’re daily reminded of how much this world is not like that; how broken our world truly is. We turn on the news and we’re barraged with stories of violence and hate – almost too many to keep track. Holy Spirit, grant us the grace to not become calloused and dismissed. We pray for an end to racism and police brutality. We pray for an end against hatred toward police officers. In the name of Jesus, we plead for an end to mass shootings. Comfort all those grieving from the shooting at Townville Elementary School. Help that community heal. We pray for those families still reeling from the loss of loved ones in the past shootings in Orlando and San Bernardino. Use your people to a source of hope and healing; grace and compassion.

Holy Spirit, protect us from self-righteousness. Keep us from thinking somehow we are inherently better than the world around us. We confess our tendency toward pride. We confess that at times we truly think we are good enough to earn your grace. We repent, Lord. Forgive us our sins. We confess that we abuse your grace silently thinking it’s your job to forgive us. We confess that we are more aware of our unmet personal preferences rather than being thankful for all you have given us. We repent, Lord. Forgive us our sins.

We praise you that in Christ there is fullness of forgiveness and reconciliation back to you. Cause our souls to see and savor Christ above all things. Help us more fully understand what it means that we are your sons and daughters. Cause your word to be sweet to us. Give us the passion to encourage and disciple other church members; give us the zeal to share the gospel with those who don’t know Jesus. Advance your gospel in us and through us in NW Washington, DC and beyond. We pray all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.