Remember Who God Is

In this past Sunday’s sermon, we talked about the importance of remembering who God is.  Clearly in the prayer found in Nehemiah 9 they are vividly recalling who God is.  Just in that prayer alone they remember that there is only one God and that God is creator, preserver, faithful, righteous, miraculous, glorious, powerful, gracious, forgiving, merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, just, great, mighty, awesome, righteous.

Here are a couple good resources for anyone looking to read more in depth on the character of God:

___Knowledge of the Holy
For those looking for a great, but quick read on the attributes of God, it does not get much better than this book.  A. W. Tozer gives a biblically saturated look at many of God’s attributes.  At just over 100 pages in length, the read is not overwhelming, but jammed packed with wonderful truths.





___Knowing God
A bit lengthier than the book above, JI Packer’s Knowing God is well worth the time it takes to read and digest.  Chapter upon chapter is packed with deep truths aimed to remind you that knowing God is our deepest joy.  Definitely add this book to your ‘books to be read’ list and once you finish it you will only ask yourself why you did not read it earlier.