Worship through Prayer

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation; the Sovereign eternal ruler of all things; the gracious Redeemer of his people. Yes, Lord, we praise your holy and awesome name. You are the everlasting God. You reign forever. You are our strong deliverer. Praise the Lord all that is within us adore him and him alone.

Jesus we praise you this morning, for you defeated sin and conquered death. Holy Spirit we praise you this morning, for you breathe life into dead souls and seal us for the day of redemption. Holy triune God, we gather here this morning and sing your praise and declare your goodness and hallow your name.

Fill us with a deep delight and fresh joy in Christ. Father, we pray for those here this morning struggling with discouragement and despair. Remind them of your steadfast love. Some of us here this morning cry out from the depths of our soul, “How long of the Lord, how long will you forget me and hide your face from me?” Would you mightily minister to those crying out to you in this way. From your word give them a fresh hope, a confident assurance.

For those of us this morning that find ourselves walking joyfully in Christ, spur us on all the more. Give us the grace to behold the glory of God in the face of Christ. Enlarge our capacity to more fully delight in the supremacy of Jesus.

We thank you Lord for the abundance of your grace evident among us. We praise you for Matt and Lynn and the many ways they serve our body. We thank you for the hospitality of Jim and Laurie. We praise you for Christ exalting gifts you have given to Michelle and Matt and Jodie and Mike and so many others. We thank you for the selfless service of Joseph and Elaine and Ruth and of Ryan and Sarah. Continue to use every member of this body to build each other up into maturity in Christ.

We praise you that there is forgiveness and reconciliation in Jesus; we confess our sin. We are not perfect; far from it. This past week alone we have been harsh to others and unfairly critical to puff ourselves up. We’ve loved our jobs and our paycheck more than you. We’ve looked at pornography. We lied to protect our kingdom while neglecting to seek your kingdom and your righteousness. We’ve doubted your goodness and neglected you acting as though we are independent from you. We confess and repent of these sins.

We plead the blood of Christ, and praise you that because of his finished work on the cross and victorious resurrection we are reconciled back to you. We praise you that because of Christ and in the power of your Holy Spirit we can live joyful lives fully pleasing to you in every way. Help us Lord rejoice in this glorious news of salvation and satisfaction. Cause us to be a people that exude joy and happily serve others because of the love that you’ve shown us.

We pray this glorious gospel would continue to resound forth us not only from Restoration but also from Redemption Hill and Capitol Hill Baptist and GraceDC. Also use McLean Bible and National Community Church and Redeemer Arlington to faithfully proclaim Christ and make disciples. Grant our brother Wright Wall at All Nations DC and Shawn and Thomas at Pillar DC the perseverance to plant gospel churches. We praise you Lord that there are several other gospel churches here in Washington DC laboring to make much of Jesus.

Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, give your people in this country, and all around the world, the courage and the wisdom to stand up for all your image bearers. We pray in the name of Jesus for an end to human sex slave trafficking. We pray in the name of Jesus for an end to racism. We pray in the name of Jesus for and end to abortion. We pray in the name of Jesus for an end to terrorism. We pray in the name of Jesus for an end to religious persecution. Raise up men and women who will fight for the vulnerable. Help us seek the good of all people, even those who disagree us, even those who fight against us. Raise up government leaders who will pursue justice and rule with wisdom. Do this, Father, for the good of all humanity we pray.

Continue to use our time of worship this morning, O Lord, to mold us and shape us. As we sing, as we pray, as we listen to the preaching of your word, do a work in us so that we do not leave this place without being changed. We ask all of this in the powerful name of Christ, the name that is above every name. Amen.