Worship through Prayer

Heavenly Father, we confess that we too often walk in a manner that is unworthy of the calling to which we have been called. Forgive us for our lack of humility, doing things out of selfish ambition or conceit. Forgive us for how we fall short of being gentle and patient with one another, and when we don’t bear with one another in love.

Forgive us for the ways in which we failed to put away falsehood this week, ways in which we did not speak the truth with our neighbor. Forgive us for the ways in which we let corrupting talk come out of our mouths, instead of desiring to build each other up with our words.

This week, we were jealous, sexually immoral, envious, drunk, idolatrous, and more. You have called us to be imitators of you, Father. Forgive us for the ways in which we fell short of being holy as you are holy. Though you have brought us near, we still walked in our old ways. Forgive us, Lord.

But, we thank you that there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus. That In Christ, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of your grace. Even when we were dead in our trespasses, you made us alive together with Christ. We rejoice that by grace we have been saved so that you might show the immeasurable riches of your grace in kindness toward us in Christ.

We thank you that you chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be HOLY and BLAMELESS before you.

Father, we rejoice that you reconciled us to yourself in one body through the cross.

Father, we praise you for this gospel message; and we come to you this morning declaring that you are our refuge and strength and very present help in times of trouble. Lord we pray for those here this morning that are hurting, those dealing with unfavorable circumstances, those reeling from the effects of sins committed against them. In the name of Jesus we ask that you would remind them of your all-sufficient grace, and fill them with a fresh joy in the Holy Spirit. We also pray for those here this morning that are filled with joy, for those where life seems to be going all according to plan. Remind them Lord that this is your all-sufficient grace; cause them not to trust in circumstances but to treasure Christ in any and every circumstances. Use them to be an encouragement to others.

Holy Lord, we ask that you would continue to use our church to exalt Jesus Christ. Use the preaching of your word to inflame our hearts and move our affections that Christ would be more desirable than gold and sweeter to us than honey. As we sing together, encourage our souls to look to Jesus. Give us the boldness to share the gospel with others in our lives. Father, for the hallowing of your name, bring someone to faith in Christ through our ministry this week.

For the hallowing of your name, use our church to advance the gospel. Use us to equip church planters in the schemes of Scotland; use us to encourage R and E as they labor among the Kurds; use our church to plant a Spanish speaking church in Columbia Heights. Father, we ask that you would providentially work to get our visa petition for A and his family approved soon.

Father, you word also tells us to pray for our government and those in charge. So we do that now. We ask that you would grant wisdom and a sense of justice to our elected officials, and to leaders around the world. Thank you for raising up men and women to serve as police officers and firefighters and other first responders. We thank you for their service to protect your image bearers. Show us how to use our freedom wisely and how to show proper respect to everyone, including those elected officials with whom we disagree. Above all, remind us that you, Lord Jesus, are the only everlasting king.

Holy Lord of Heaven and earth, we are mindful of just how great you are – your greatness is unsearchable. We give you praise that you are a God who redeems and takes delight in your people. Help us to savor your goodness that we might glorify you with our lives. We ask not for ourselves, but for your renown, and we ask in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.