The Little Things Matter

“We are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

That is amazing. It’s amazing that we are being transformed back to the way it’s supposed to be – into the image of Christ. This is also perhaps a bit disheartening. It’s disheartening because it only happens one degree at a time.

Degree by degree? Really? Wouldn’t we much rather get a formula where we could plug in this behavior plus that circumstance equals a change of 20, 40, 90 degrees at a time. But that’s not how God works. “One degree of glory to another” that’s how God works.

You can’t microwave true change. You can’t quickly manipulate Christ-like maturity; it comes from beholding over time. The trajectory of your life is not made in the big heroic moments; it’s made in the 1,000 small decisions made every day and week. Will you behold Christ or turn the other way? Little degrees here and there with every decision you make.

Will gather for corporate worship only if nothing else is going on or go out of your way to gather with the saints? A little degree. Will you use an excuse to miss Community Group or meaningfully engage? A little degree. Will you pursue comfort or deny yourself to serve another? A little degree. Will you check your email or Facebook 1st thing in the morning or read the Scriptures? A little degree. Will you cancel that discipling relationship meeting because you’re too busy or get done what you need to get done so you can meet up? A little degree.

I’m not trying to guilt you into any of these things. I simply want to show you that it’s the little things that add up over the course of time. Degree by degree; that’s how we change. If we’re not careful we can begin to think the little things don’t truly matter. But as you can see they do. We behold God even in the little things and this is what God uses to change us.