Worship through Prayer

Blessed and Sovereign God, we come to you now; we come to your throne to receive the grace and mercy we need; we come leaning wholly upon Jesus Christ; we come being filled by your Holy Spirit. O glorious triune God, we praise your holy name; glorious and mighty, you’re awesome in beauty, greatly to be praised. We praise you for your grace and mercy in Jesus Christ, bringing salvation for all those who turn from their sin and trust in Christ alone.

Cause your grace to train us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age, even as we wait for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and purify for himself a people for his own possession; a people zealous for good works. We praise you that Christ Jesus saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness – for we can do nothing to earn your favor – but according to your own mercy poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ that we might be justified by grace and become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

Glorious and mighty God, we come to you admitting no one stands in need of divine grace more than we do; and yet none abuses more than we have done and still do. We know the glory of the gospel, yet we still find you boring. We know you are more satisfying than sexual immorality, but we still partake of the forbidden fruit. We know that you are a God of truth, yet we still lie. We know that you are a God in control and provide all things, yet we still worry and doubt your goodness to us. We know that in Christ, we are your sons and daughters, yet we still chose to live like orphans. We know that you are a God who seeks peace, yet we still stir up rivalry and hold grudges. We know that you are a God who gives, yet we so often act in greed.

How heartless and dull we are. Forgive us our sin, we pray. Yes, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, because of work on the cross, forgive us our sins. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Draw our hearts out in thankfulness to you, for your amazing grace lavished upon us.

Father, we pray for those here this morning struggling with shame and guilt. Holy Spirit, work in the hearts of these men and women; point them toward the guilt-defeating, shame-shattering, soul-satisfying, all-sufficient Savior. For those struggling with the shame of sexual or physical abuse, move them so that they seek help. For those struggling with impure thoughts and for those battling same-sex desires and for those gripped with a dirty conscience, wash them and sanctify them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit. Cause Restoration Church to be a safe place to work through our sin and shame and guilt in all its various forms. Lord God, may you be our rock and refuge.

Eternal God, we pray that we are one of many churches in this city making and maturing disciples. We pray for Dave Owens at Embassy Church and our brothers and sisters at The District Church, and for the body of believers at Christ Our Shepherd. Use these churches to be salt and light in our city, that you might be glorified when people see their good deeds. We pray for Pillar DC and Redeemer City Church and Waterfront Church as they labor in these early days; give them grace to bear much fruit in making disciples of King Jesus.

Father, in the name of Christ, we pray for the advancement of the gospel around the globe. Bring many people to faith through the ministry of Mez McConnell as he labors in the projects of Scotland. Continue to grant much wisdom and grace to R and E as they prepare to take the gospel to the Middle East. We pray for the International Mission Board as they oversee 5,000+ missionaries around the world. For the glory of your name, equip men and women from this very congregation to go overseas with the gospel. Lord God Almighty, use our little church to help advance the gospel both locally and globally.

And we are mindful that in many ways we can do this because of brave men and women who have fought for the many freedoms we enjoy in this country. We praise you and thank you for all those who have or are serving in the armed forces; for those who have served, some even giving their life, to protect and promote peace. And we realize there are people all around the world serving to this end, to advance the peace and flourishing of human life. We praise you for this and ask that all countries individually and collectively would promote that which mirrors your character – peace and justice and compassion and mercy.

We pray all of this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.