Worship through Prayer

Lord God, you are the giver of all things, and you have given us this day another day to praise, enjoy, and delight in you. We take our place beneath our great Redeemer’s cross, where healing streams of your mercy continually flow, where balm is poured into our every wound; where we wash anew in the all-cleansing blood, where we rest assured that in Christ you see no spot of sin.

Help us, we pray, to take every thought captive to Christ not being led astray by the philosophies of the world; help us to life as if each moment were our last, that our lives be filled with supremely satisfaction and joy.

We thank you for the temporal blessings of this world; the refreshing air, the light of sun, the rain that falls, the food that renews strength, the provision of clothes, the dwelling of shelters, the sleep that gives rest, the starry cannot of night, the cool wind’s breeze, the flowers’ sweetness, the melody of music, the joyous fellowship of family and friends. Our cup runs over with the finger prints of your gracious favor in our lives. For that we give you praise!

We not only praise you, but come confessing our sins to you. Too often we take your good gifts and neglect you the great Giver. Before we know it we begin to act like we are owed something from the world and from you; we so carelessly turn desires into demands and judge you when you don’t act like we want. Instead of seeing ourselves as being made in your image, we try to recreate you in our image. In all of this and more we have willfully and repeatedly rebelled against your righteous rule in our lives.

We plead for your forgiveness now, not because we have done anything to deserve it, but relying completely on Jesus Christ who has done everything for us. Fill us with your Spirit and unite us to your eternal Son, that his perfection might become ours, his death become our death, and his resurrected life, our eternal life. Oh, we give you praise for the power of the cross and resurrection of our Lord and our Savior, Jesus the Christ!

We pray this would be the message proclaimed faithfully by Wright Wall at All Nations DC. Use this church to make and mature disciples who delight fully in the person, work, and worth of Jesus Christ. We also pray for pastor Brian Lee and Christ Reformed Church. As they minister to the community in and around Logan Circle, give them great boldness and humility to speak God’s Word that many might taste and see that you are good.

Father, hallow your name we pray. Do that here at Restoration Church. Do that here in this great city. And do that around the globe. Cause your name to be treasured, worshiped, revered, among all nations. We pray for the Tatar people of Kazan Russia. Soften their hearts to the gospel, that A and L and the other team members might reap a great harvest and plant a church among the Tatar people; and may that church in turn begin to plant other churches. We pray for S as she continues to labor in Central Asia. Give her grace upon grace that she might persevere in a hard work.

Yes, Lord God, hallow your holy, eternal name. May we cherish you all of our days. May we ascribe the glory you are due. We praise you for your infinite exquisite perfections. Our Triune God, the Father, and Son, and Spirit, eternally perfect, and glorious, and unchanging and just and holy. Oh, Lord we give you praises, and we do so in the name of your Son to whom we are united by your Spirit, Amen.