9Marks Booklet in Haitian Creole

9Marks-HCVAt last year’s Engage Conference we raise funds to translate the booklet 9Marks of a Healthy Church into Haitian Creole. By God’s grace this project has just been completed; we just received the printed books last week. Not only that, but God is providentially using this resource to strengthen Haitian pastors and churches. Here are a few blurbs on how God is using this book:



Noah Joyner from HaitiLove:

We will use this resource to help existing churches and their leaders identify areas of strengths and weaknesses with the goal of assuring them in pursuing church health and vitality. We will share it with our students and potential students to help them see what we mean when we talk about “healthy churches”

Ryan Townsend from 9Marks:

“Thanks again for your work on producing 9Marks of a Healthy Church in Haitian Creole. We’d like to print this in Haiti this week for an upcoming pastor’s conference in mid-March.”

From Baptist Haiti Mission:

This is at the heart of what we are focusing on, the development of healthy churches. This is great timing for our National church conferences with representatives from over 350 churches here in Haiti. It is great to see the providence of God.