10 Practical Suggestions to Cultivate Depth

Okay, application time.  We have spent most of our time together really just bringing recognition to the depth and width of our hearts and minds. We noted that what is rooted in the heart comes out into our thinking (minds) which translates into our actions (Consistent with Mark 7).

Before giving some practical applications, let me call to mind that these things won’t be the “answer” to the problem, but they can be appetizers to tide you over till eventually you can sit before a big meal. These applications are helps, not solutions – specific repentance and a cultivated mind that learns to love the things of God and sits in contemplation on them (Ps. 1) is the solution…having said that, lets go!

1. Memorization & MEDITATION of long stretches of “vertical passages from the God’s word, specifically the Psalms.  I have been infinitely helped by not just memorizing, but meditating (contemplating) on Psalms 1, 23, 46, 103 the last couple weeks. What this has allowed me to do is maintain focus & have that focus be on deep thoughts of God (It has really helped my prayer life as well).

I’ve historically used Scripture memory like my pinball mind usually works…all over the place. Memorizing (not meditating) on shorter passages that are topically driven.

I find myself walking around DC now mumbling these longer vertically passages to myself and the Lord… a great way to train my mind to focus and I’ve found my heart really loving these thoughts of the Lord.  Give it a shot, start with Ps. 23, and don’t move onto another one after a day. Just have your devotional in that passage for a whole week and say it, read it, quote it, pray it throughout the day for yourself and others.

2. Turn OFF your electronics! I know, its sound so “old fashion” doesn’t it? Come home from work, don’t turn on your TV, turn off your cell phone, don’t turn on any music…and just reflect on your day, the good things, the bad things…then just converse with the Lord about it.

Or, find a good book you like to read.  Doesn’t have to be Christian, and just read it in silence. Set a goal for yourself – read for 30 straight minutes in silence, etc. I have gotten more reading done the last couple months by doing this and I think my mind is being less cluttered and less hurried.

Or, turn off the electronics and have a MEANINGFUL conversation with someone. Don’t just talk about the weather or a movie…actually ask one another questions about days gone by that were sweet or things that you are looking forward to and why. Dream a bit together. But again…turn everything off!!

3. Go take a walk: Who does that anymore right? Sure, our streets are a bit loud, go, but most of us have access to either Rock Creek Park or Glover Archibold Park…but go, and DON’T bring your cell phone…I PROMISE it will be okay! (Although Ladies may want to bring theirs for safety, I understand…just try and keep that thing at bay).

When you walk, wonder at creation. Look at the trees, note the different types, listen to the birds (I know it sounds cheesy, just do it), listen to the sounds of nature. It all sounds “new age” but this is the Lord’s creation! Think of nature as a window to look upon the Lord.

This is getting long, so I will come back tomorrow with some more suggestions…